Wednesday, March 21, 2007

House Managing so far far house managing with Stephen has been interesting...

Monday - did grocery shopping at 12 something with Valerie. 1 hour later - $216 for 3 -4 days worth of groceries. Valerie had different ideas on how to shop, and personally I would have gone to Maxi (like Superstore, but bulk) to buy things because it`s cheaper...but whatever. She also tried to convince us not to buy the cheapest margarine, saying 100% soya-based margarine is bad...
Came home at 1:30 pm, still had to clean the house/bake bread/cook dinner...everything was done by 6:00, with dessert in the freezer too (orange jello)

Tuesday - 3 interesting/funny things happened because of bread-making.
1) Our house has 2 stoves/kitchens, and I was letting the bread rise in the other kitchen. After that was done, I flung the towel that covered the bread onto the stove and brought the dough into the actual kitchen. Ten minutes later, I walk back in and saw that the kitchen was kind of smoky...I thought "why is the kitchen kind of foggy? Or is it just my glasses getting dirty...then I saw the towel turning kind of black on one corner...immediately I shouted "oh my god Stephen come here", and opened the door to let the smoke out...I lifted the towel and I must have fanned it a bit because the towel started going up in flames...I freaked out, ran out of the door and flung the towel into the snow. At the same time, the fire detectors started ringing and so did the was chaotic.
Stephen`s theory - whoever last used the stove (which he believed was Cheryl and Charles making beans a couple of days ago) did not turn it off, and I was just unlucky to have the towel on there to find out that they didn`t turn it off. I find it a bit far-fetched that no one knew the element was on for so long, but whatever.

2) The bread I made (new recipe, trying out whole wheat bread), after an hour of baking (recipes calls for half an hour) was disgusting...centre was uncooked. I love the faces of people as they tasted a bit of it...and I found this out at 9 pm. Because there`s no more bread (even though Stephen and I made some on Monday) I had to make more...and on average bread takes 2 - 3 hours to rise and bake...I didn`t get to go to bed until 12 -1 pm.

3) Later in the night I realized why my bread was screwed up...I thought the oven was in celsius rather than fahrenheit...pretty much I didn`t cook the bread, I was heating it instead...uuggghhhhh...
Stephen was highly amused by all 3 events and kept making fun of me for them...

Gotta go...time to do dishes and clean the`s almost 12 pm.

Side note: Why does people in the house keep inhaling bread and cheese like there`s no tomorrow? The 2 loaves I made yesterday are almost all gone already...frick I have to make more (must talk to Stephen about this). Damn white people and their bread (KIDDING KIDDING)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hey angel. guess which family i got for billeting...the same as u. the nuns. did u enjoy it at their place? what did u do? i hope u like u billet family. starts tonight. yay.

M-o C said...

Hey, do you have MSN? And thanks for the comment, I like reading yours too :P.