Friday, March 30, 2007


Sorry, can`t think of a title for this blog...

Work is really, really chill without Claudie here...I have been using the computer quite a bit, which is very nice since there`s no computer at Billy`s house. As well, I am getting to know Annie and Aurelie better, and learnt some cool things about them (i.e. Annie has some form of sixth sense, according to her...and she said so does Claudie).

Not much happening yesterday, other than the fact that I had an interesting discussion with Billy about Quebec separation. This is something I am always curious about because of the lack of understanding of the situation. As well, this is one of the good things about doing billeting - learning about different cultures and stuff. Although Billy was extremely hesitant on talking about it, because he thinks talking about things like this does nothing (typical male behaviour - no discussion unless something worthwhile comes out or something gets fixed). This is why he thinks talking about politics is a complete waste of time. However, he eventually came out and we spent more than an hour discussing about it. He based a lot of his reasons on history and how the English society have been mistreating the French population, and therefore creating differences that are too great for union. As well, he believes Quebec has enough resources to hold itself up as a nation, and if anything Canada is the one that needs Quebec and therefore doesn`t want Quebec to separate (these points were said after I pointed out that I believe the economy of Quebec will collapse if Quebec was to separate from Canada since Canada gives a lot of money to Quebec). But he said the biggest reason for separation is because virtually no Quebecois sees themselves as a Canadian - they would pretty much tell you that they are from Quebec, and not from Canada. So already it is its own nation.

Um...our discussion was interesting, but I feel like he doesn`t want things to improve or for the gap to close up. But I guess it is as he says "I will not change my opinion because I am speaking from feelings. And you can`t change feelings from the heart or analyze them". But come on, if every single Quebecois acts like this, the situation will never improve...

I think I will have to talk to more Quebecois about this and get a bigger picture...


Anonymous said...

Hi! I just got your comment to my blog - I've been in billeting without a computer - you know how it is!

Anyway, of course you can link my blog - I think it is a very cool idea and you seem to update a lot more than I do!

It's really funny actually, I just skimmed through a bunch of your entries and there are so many similarities in every Katima-group. For example - the Quebec separation discussion and the Gastro. (We just came from Quebec).

So, I know you listed your places in the sidebar but what province are they in?


Anonymous said...

hey, so yeah i read ur blog up to this point...interesting the quebecois thing for seperation