Friday, July 13, 2007

Bitching about UBC

Just finished registering for my courses in UBC...1 measly psychology course, haha. May I just add that planning and registering for courses is absolutely a pain in the butt; not until 5 minutes prior to my alloted time in UBC did I find out I needed to pay for non-refundable deposit (doesn't this smell like a scam to you?) and therefore my account was blocked from registration...what??

Good thing for credit cards and quick wit ;)...fixed everything and I was able to register for my I owe UBC $716.55. Next thing they will tell me that I also owe them my future first-born.

The whole school situation this year is kind of tricky, because I have decided to study at 2 schools at once (UBC, good old Cap) and therefore had to balance my schedule between both places, as well as allotting time for navy training and a potential 2nd part-time job (which will happen, I guarantee it!)...certain courses had to be sacrificed (ie. Japanese) and in the end I could only take 4 courses, which was not what I had intended but things worked out for now...I had other schemes in my head to balance everything out...

Now that I finished my "breakfast" (two sausages...mmm haven't had that for a looong time), I will leave to bike to work...conquer the great big mountain on my 6 speed old-school bike...hopefully more later.

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