Friday, February 16, 2007

Events of last night

Hahaha, I said I would be back I am back, on the next day.

Anyways today I intend to write a bunch of emails/blogs that I promised I would (and believe me, I have tooooooons to say), plus I have 2 side projects of my own (school/Chinese dinner). I am going to write this before I go ahead with my 2 side projects, so here goes.

So yesterday was my last day of work...Betty Ann drove me home and we bided each other good luck, have fun, etc. feels kind of weird that yesterday was my last day at work, as if it's not suppose to happen. But anyways enough of that. I decided to finally work on my applications to UBC/Capilano College, since I knew the deadline to apply in UBC is the end of February. This shouldn't be such a difficult task, but here's the problem: I am majoring in psychology, with a minor in both Japanese and French. To get a psychology degree, you must have a psychology statistic course in order to do 3rd year studies (PSYC 213 in Cap, PSYC 217-218 in UBC). I wanted to stay in Capilano College for my 2nd year studies, but unfortunately their 213 requires Math 12, which I don't have (my math sucks like hell, which is almost unheard of in the Chinese society). Apparently UBC does not have a requirement for their statistics courses (not positive yet, I wrote them an email), and since I plan on going to UBC for the 3rd year anyways, I may as well do it earlier. However I really, really like Cap and I feel it will train me better for university life, and I don't want to leave. As well, I am not positive that I can get into UBC (although if I got in in grade 12, and last year, I don't see why I won't get in again, my GPA right now is 3.23). Plus, I have to deal with my transcripts and stuff (which I am not exactly sure how I am going to do they may need my high school transcript, which just makes the process so much more interesting). Then I started thinking about what the courses I have to take, my schedules (how to balance school/work/training), whether I should take 4 or 5 courses, etc. etc...I think you got the idea that my head pretty much exploded. So after dinner I decided to go to the local gym to work out my frustrations - the one and only time in Blind River.

Unfortunately, that was quite an interesting trip itself. To get into the gym, you need a 3 digit password. I almost got there and realized I don't know what it is. So I had to walk back home and ask someone in the house what it is (press 2 and 4 together, then 3) in order for me to get into the gym. Went back, tried again...only it didn't work. I must have stood there in the cold (around -15C) for 10 minutes, trying to click open the thing before I gave up and went back home. I saw Zach getting ready for a run outside the house, and told him my woes...he made fun of me, but he thought the password was 5 and 3 together, then 2, so I went inside and asked again, only this time I made them describe in detail how to open the door. Believe me I felt like an imbecile when I kept playing with the door because no one in the house seemed to have a problem with it...I went back, and lo and behold it didn't work! This was the 3rd time, and with the saying "3 strikes and you are out", I gave up and walked to lake and stargazed for 45 minutes with my was really nice if not cold. Then I went back home, soaked myself in a nice bubblebath in the bathroom at the attic...I could hear the Frenchies (Maxime/Cheryl/Charles) giggling in the walk-in closet next door, but I tuned them out with some Christina Aguilera, read "Freakonomics" (the book with an apple/orange at the cover) for an hour, then went to bed. Another quiet night...

However, it's very very different for a bunch of other people. Brace yourselves...

During my frustrations with school, Charles and Stephen decided to go to LCBO and buy booze. Obviously they intended to have some form of drinking party in the house (duh duh duh that's prohibited, but Emilie wasn't there) with a couple of other people, and in the midst of my frustrations they summoned me to the kitchen and asked me what they should do (as in drinking in house or somewhere else) because they don't want Mike (the sometimes brainless blabbermouth) to say anything. I don't really remember what I said, only that Emilie trusts us and I am not going to stop them if they drink in the house, because we all know that despite all this, none of us are crazy/bad. So their solution (which I didn't find out until I was in the attic bathing) was to hide in the walk-in closet and have their party there (they know I am not into drinking), while Rebecca and Stephen joined them later on. Aaron sort of went in and out of it too, when he was over with Matt and Melissa (Aaron's girlfriend). Honestly, I don't know much about what happened, but to summarize:

-Everyone pretty much knows what's going on, even Mike (though I don't know if he knew it was a drinking party), despite them hiding in the attic.
-No one really got drunk (shows you our tameness) except for Charles (personally I think it's because his tolerance for alcohol is lower, but who knows) and perhaps Cheryl, because apparently she went puking in the toilet.
-Cheryl/Maxime/Stephen went to bed earlier than Zach/Rebecca/Charles (though I must state that Zach wasn't in the drinking party, he is not a fan of drinking/breaking rules), and Zach/Rebecca/Charles apparently chatted/fooled around until 3:30 am. They first have a garlic butter fight, because they were making garlic bread. And then dip fight (we had vegetable dip for dinner as a side that night). And then whipped cream, which was Charles's idea..."oh we bought whipped cream but we don't need it". And in the end the kitchen and the dining hall was a mess, with traces of everything on walls, stove, floor...but they cleaned it up and then went to bed.

This for me brings up a bigger issue - Trust
Our PL Emilie really do have a lot of trust in us. It seems like compared to the 2 other groups (Elliot Lake/Sault Ste. Marie) we are very well behaved. Cara almost never came to our house to babysit us while Emilie gets her time off. The Sault Ste. Marie group originally had 11 people, and right now they are at 8. One girl left, while 2 other ones got kicked out because they are caught doing pot (not sure whether it was in the house or not). The Elliot group seemed fine though. But anyways our group and our PL have a rather unique relationship, which may be different from the 2 other's hard to explain right now but to sum it up, she is like a good friend. Therefore it makes sense why she has all this trust in us. My question - By us (well not really me) having that drinking party in the house and breaking a bunch of rules along the line, is it a betrayl of her trust? And is it right to do so? Well, duh, of course not, and Maxime and I discussed about this yesterday prior to the Frenchies summoning me to the kitchen. Maxime is quite attached to Emilie and she doesn't want to do anything to hurt Emilie, therefore she was iffy about drinking in the house. But there's more to that.

I think the reason Emilie trusts us a lot because she knows us. She knows our personalities and how we react/deal with things...she knows that the group overall is smart and responsible, and we would never do anything horribly stupid (or else why would Rebecca/Charles who was drunk/Zach cleaned their mess in the middle of the night?). She also knows we are young and we just want to have a good time, let things loose, etc. etc. Heck, she was young once (probably still am) and adventurous, so she can relate to the stuff we do and why we do it. In fact I was talking to Rebecca this morning about her wild night and she told me that Emilie actually knows everything...the fact that Maxime goes to bars to drink even though she is 17(Rebecca/Zach/even Cynthia went to the bar too even though they are 18, the only people who didn't go is Mike and me...ahahaha and I am 20, what the heck?), plus a bunch of other things. Apparently she talks to Aaron about these issues but she was just like "I am glad they are bonding well" However she never confronted anyone about them, and it's definitely not because she is a pushover. It goes back to what I was saying earlier...her knowing us and understanding us. Emilie is and probably will be one of the best PLs our group will have, because of these qualities. I do hope the next group coming in (holla, Castlegar) will have the same relatioship with Emilie that we have right now...and please do not take advantage of it (although we did that but we cleaned up real good and behaved).

I like how our group has all these silent understandings and agreements...we know things but we don't acknowledge it out loud...interestingly complicated/complicatedly interesting.

Hmm...time for me to work on the 2 back later. Wow wasn't that long..

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