Here's a story that I promised a while ago that I would's about what happened to Emilie when she was in Blind River.
(Hahaha, this format will be a headache to read)
Once upon a time there was a girl named Emilie Desrosiers. She became a project leader and was posted to Blind River, Ontario, a tiny town with no more than 4000 people. Late into the fall (October 2006) she moved into a nice old house with nothing inside. She was expected to live there by herself for a month before her "children" arrive. Emilie knew she must find a way to get furniture and other things in the house for her and her children, so one night she went to the church next door and asked the people there if they can spare furniture and other things. And that's how she met Matt/Aaron/Alex/Wesley.When people in the church found out that Emilie was a Katimavik project leader in Blind River, they became very enthusiastic and helpful with Emilie's needs. People came by and renovated the house. They donated furnitures, dishes, plus a bunch of other things so when the Katima-children arrive, they would feel welcomed. Through this experience, Emilie got to know Matt/Aaron/Alex/Wesley and they all became friends. You may think it's a sweet little story where everyone is happy with each other's company, but every story has its twists. The twist (not the only one, just to warn you now) came when Matt (a 19 year old guy who is the youth leader of the church next door) apparently made a move on Emilie and asked her to be his girlfriend. Emilie refused, and although they remain friends, Emilie knew things between her and Matt aren't the way they used to be. However, Emilie was still fine with Alex/Aaron/Wesley...The Katima-children arrived at the end of November, and Emilie and the Katima-children lived together and had adventures. Meanwhile, Matt and Aaron dropped by the house every now and then to hang out with Emilie and the Katima-children, so things were good. In fact, Emilie came up with the idea of having a talent night/coffee house where everyone would demonstrate a talent of some form and create a night of entertainment before year 2007 starts. So that's what happened, and there are photos to prove, haha...everyone had a good time, and 20 minutes before the year started, Emilie and the Katima-children hopped into their katima-van and with the guidance of Wesley and Matt, they went into the woods outside of town to light up some fireworks. And that's what they did by the lake. After that everyone went back to the house and had fake fruit wine, and continued partying. And this is where the trouble began...During the party, Wesley complained to Emilie about a headache, and he probably asked Emilie if she had any tylenol. Emilie didn't, but she knows how to perform riqqi (not sure how to spell it), a form of native healing using the hands, so she offered this suggestion to him. Wesley agreed, and so they went to her room and she tried that on him. Matt was just chilling downstairs when he found out she was doing that. He immediately freaked out, went to Emilie's room and told Wesley that they needed to go home immediately. So Weasley followed Matt out, leaving a confused Emilie behind. However, Emilie no longer was confused the next day, because Alex came by the house and told Emilie what happened. Brace yourselves...When Matt heard Emilie was practicing riqqi on Weasley, he thought Emilie was possessed by the devil and she was practicing the devil's way and performing "devil tricks" on Weasley. And of course, Matt must rescue Weasley from the evil wraths of Emilie and her devil ways before it was too late. The next day, Matt rounded up all his Christian brothers (Aaron/Weasley/Alex), told them his views, and said that they must all go to Elliot Lake and pray for Emilie and ask God for his forgiveness towards Emilie, as well as try and get rid of the devil inside Emilie through prayers. And that's what they did the day after.When Emilie heard the story, she was immediately aghast and shocked that Matt could have such a ridiculous idea. Then she was worried that Aaron/Wesley/Alex actually thought like Matt, because Matt is technically their ringleader. On top of that, Emilie was going through a tough time with her boyfriend and was seriously considering breaking up with her boyfriend. With all these things, the poor girl is just overwhelmed. So Emilie decided to confront Matt about this. She went to his house and wanted to talk to him about it, but he was not very communicative. In the end, they decided to avoid each other whenever possible (because Emilie absolutely despises people who are not open-minded and think they have the absolute truth, and Matt had both of those traits).Even though Matt was dealt with, there was still Alex/Aaron/Wesley. Emilie wondered whether they are still willing to be friends with her after this. And for the next week or so, she heard nothing from them until Wesley approached her and said that he would like to talk to her. Emilie was happy about this, and that's what they did. Things seemed fine until Wesley started trying to convert her by imposing his religious views on her during their conversation. And that again made Emilie really annoyed, because she felt like Wesley was no different than Matt. The kicker - he gave Emilie a bible at the end of their conversation. On top of that, even though Wesley went back to art school (he was no longer in Blind River), Emilie started receiving emails from him which greatly hinted that he was interested in a relationship...Emilie then decided to cut him out of her life.2 down...because it was Alex that originally approached Emilie about the night, he had no problems with Emilie. Although truthfully I don't see him around the house anymore, but that could be because he is in university (who knows?). Emilie really wanted to contact Aaron, but she felt she was in no position to do that because a) she doesn't know Aaron's number and b) Aaron has a jealous girlfriend. Fortunately, Aaron came by and told Emilie that he did not believe that Emilie was "possessed by the devil" and he is absolutely cool with her. And to this day Aaron and Emilie are happily hanging out and doing karate together.
- The End -
So why exactly did I tell this story? I don't know, because I personally could not believe someone could come up with such a ridiculous idea that a person is the "devil", etc. Things like this makes me think that religions sometimes has too much effect on people. But then again, having a faith does not mean you stop thinking with your brain. And the funny thing is that even though Matt agreed to not come by the house, he actually broke that rule approximately a month later...which I think is absolutely uncool. Although I just heard that Matt apologized to Emilie for his behaviour, so...hmm...On top of that, the story is quite entertaining, wouldn't you say?(For Castlegar kids - Matt and Aaron will probably be regular fixtures of the house, and even though I said what I said here, I hope you guys don't use that as a biase against him. Get to know him and decide whether he is fine by you or not. Without hearing these stories, I personally think he is a relatively cool guy to talk to. However there was one night where I went to Tim Hortons and Matt saw me, so we chatted for about half an hour. When he left, a kid came up to me and asked if I was hanging out with Matt, and then warned me to watch out for him - "he is a bit of an idiot"...hmmm...)
Thursday, February 22, 2007
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